✈️In honor of National Paper Airplane Day today 5/26, here are some photos of our 6th graders working on collecting their data through test flights for their paper airplane statistics project in math! Mrs. Solgat even got in on some of the test flight action!
📚Mrs. Kondrat’s Honors English 10 class celebrated the culmination of their novel study on To Kill a Mockingbird with some southern home cooking at “Aunt Alexandra’s Tea Party”. Students brought in delicious dishes and some even dressed up like our favorite characters! Boo Radley was even there!
👟Lake Fenton Middle School Track👟
Congratulations on a great season!💙🤍
📚GISD Jumpstart Calendars📚
Click on the link below to access.
Preschool: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FVVXVzkstTJGonq-YGfdUkikwCeAwwD9/view?usp=share_link
Kindergarten: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MrSKexQC3WpudhOZk4U3ejpCFUBDI6se/view?usp=share_link
1st Grade: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b3H5Y8I1hgEC2fsb0vlYXu741vjNMn75/view?usp=share_link
2nd Grade: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hfc9-eVtByLziw5g8Z_RyyiJPACM4DrV/view?usp=share_link
🏆Congratulations to our Lake Fenton Middle School Yearbook Staff on earning the 2023 National Program of Excellence Gold! Way to go team!!💙🤍
There are still plenty of spaces open to volunteer on Thursday, May 25
to help students shop at the BOGO Book Fair. Please consider signing up by following this link:
LF High School Sideline cheer sign up is available in the athletic office.
Try outs will be held @ LFMS gym
Dates and times :
6/12 @ 4:30 - 7:00
6/13 @ 5:00 - 7:00
6/14 @ 3:30 -7:30
Look for more info coming soon on final forms.
⚓️Kindergarten Enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year is open now! Scan the QR code.
💙Check out the Torrey Hill Glow Art Projects!!
📚If you are interested in helping our students shop at the BOGO Bookfair at West Shore, please use the link below to secure your spot!
📚West Shore Book Fair📚
Wednesday, May 24 (shop with your class)
Thursday, May 25 (shop with your class)
Friday, May 26 (for Field Day, students can stop in and shop with an adult)
See your class newsletters and flyers being sent home for details and which shopping day your student has!
😍 Supe's Exotic Animals came to TH last week to do a show. Thank you to our PTO for funding this awesome event!
💗Happy Mother's Day to all of our Lake Fenton Moms! Enjoy your special day!!💗
Information about Meet Up and Eat Up below.
💙🤍It was Benji Kramer's last day as a cadet teacher in Mrs. Hiler's. Benji was her preschooler her first year teaching at LF! 🤍💙
💙🤍Senior Camryn McMillan’s last day as a Cadet Teacher in Mrs. Ramirez’s Kindergarten Class! They showered her with love! Room 10 will miss Miss Cam and wish her luck at Madonna University in the fall!💙🤍
🚒Alyssa Carol won a trip on a Fenton City Fire Department truck with her friends: Arabella, Ava and Serena. How cool is that?😎
🚒West Shore Elementary Students participated in a Fire Safety Assembly today! 🚒
💙🤍LFMS Visual Arts in Publication-Yearbook created "Class of" collages for 6th, 7th and 8th grade! Check them out!🤍💙
📷Lake Fenton Middle School Yearbooks have arrived! Yearbook class loved checking out their creations! NOTE: If you did not order one and would like one, we have a limited number of extras! Head over to https://www.jostens.com/ .