Had fun watching our pre-calculus students embracing technology through the Desmos platform. They were formulating questions to identify the correct graph. Very cool! #lfleads #1:1 #mathrocks

Cool to see our Project Choice students collaborating with Studio Art students on watercolor artworks. #lfleads #art #support

Senior parents – Have you and your child completed the FAFSA? Join us in the High School Library at 6:30pm tonight for the senior FAFSA night presented by financial aid representatives from Mott. #lfleads #fafsa

Thank you Stratford Festival for working with our English 12 students today. I enjoyed watching the groups interpret scenes from the play and create silent frames to tell the story. Also got to hear some funny hashtags! #lfleads #stratford #interpretation

Thank you Mr. Smith for speaking to our sophomores about learning opportunities at Genesee Career Institute. #lfleads #jobskills #gci

I LOVE the people I work with and for. Being surrounded by good, caring people that have similar goals is very refreshing and makes coming to work easy! Thank you LF Family! #lfleads #family

So impressed with the discussion in our AP English class today. Students broke down a letter from 1762 and engaged in a deep analysis of everything from the purpose to argument to rhetorical analysis of the piece. #lfleads #proudprincipal

As we broke for lunch today I noticed our female staff drawing names for their “Blue Devil Secret Sisters.” Thank you Nicole Chapman for organizing. Sometimes it’s the smallest of things that determine our culture. #lfleads #proudprincipal #humbled

Safe to say our ELA teachers enjoyed the English Bootcamp we offered this summer. They continue to apply that training to everything they do in their classrooms! #lfleads #ela #bootcamp

THIS is the work all educators should be engaged in—collaborating to create and assess QUALITY LOCAL assessments. I’m so proud of our staff and their commitment to the work that matters the most! #lfleads #proudprincipal #PLC

Thankful to work with so many talented leaders on how to enhance what we are doing in Lake Fenton. #lfleads #guidingcoalition #plc

Very impressed with the way Mr. Meyers addressed the purpose and success criteria in his class this morning. Every student knew what they had to do and what it should look like. There were also some pretty good athletes in the class too (see pictures). #lfleads #highexpectations

Practice makes perfect! #lfleads

Thank you Mrs. Calhoun, Mrs. Kondrat and Mrs. Brigitha for chaperoning the Homecoming dance. We couldn’t do it without you! #lfleads #takemondayoff (just kidding)

Homecoming 2018 at Lake Fenton HS. #lfleads #movietrivia

Congratulations Christian Parker and Justine Bicego on being named 2018 Homecoming King and Queen. #lfleads #proudprincipal

2018 Homecoming Pep Rally. We had a GREAT time!!! #lfleads #schoolspirit

It must be tourist day at Lake Fenton High School! #lfleads #homecoming #schoolspirit

It is western day at Lake Fenton High School. Our staff and students are so creative and enthusiastic!!! #lfleads #spirit

Congratulations seniors on your 2018 Powderpuff victory! Final score: Seniors 16 Juniors 14. Fun night!