💙⚓️🏒 Kiley from LFHS is one of the team managers for the Griffins Hockey Team and was recognized on senior night last Friday! 🏒⚓️💙 #LFLeads
💙⚓️🤍Check out the FAFSA workshop at LFHS on February 27th! Register to attend at: https://forms.gle/sfp2ee7qZ3Hwih4S6
Read our Senior Newsletter for additional details here: https://www.smore.com/8ef4s 🤍⚓️💙
💙⚓️🎭The Middle School Play is right around the corner...is that an old wedding dress and a dragon? I wonder how it's all going to "play" out.... come see us to find out! 🎭⚓️💙
💙⚓️💖 Don't forget to get your tickets for this years' Daddy Daughter Dance this Saturday at LFHS! Tickets can be purchased at the door or at the following link: www.LFdaddydaughterdance.com💖⚓️💙 #LFLeads
💙⚓️🤍 Mrs.Caldwell, Mrs.Jenio, and Mrs.Strunk hosted a new students connection group with a hot cocoa treat at Torrey Hill! 🤍⚓️💙
💙⚓️🤍 Collin and Bryce- two seniors and aspiring attorneys, attended the Fenton Rotary Breakfast with Judge Beagle to learn all about his long career in law. 🤍⚓️💙
💙⚓️🤍 Last Friday, Torrey Hill teachers participated in professional learning of literacy practices. data analysis, and Positive Behavior supports. 🤍⚓️💙
💙⚓️🤍 This week's Through The Lens of Play is from Ms. Shelby & Ms. Morgan's class! 🤍⚓️💙 #LFLeads
💙⚓️📚 Only 1 more week until the TH book fair! There are many opportunities to volunteer at the following link: https://signup.com/go/MQtsgBf. You can also view book fair details and create an e-wallet at https://www.scholastic.com/bf/torreyhillintermediatesch 📚⚓️💙 #LFLeads
💙⚓️🤍 Remember to sign up for your spot at this year's Kindergarten Round-Up! Sign-up is available at the following link: http://tinyurl.com/wsroundup2024 🤍⚓️💙 #LFLeads
💙⚓❤️ Happy President's Day from LFCS! ❤️⚓💙
💙⚓️❤️ Miss Heiberger's class had so much fun with all their Valentine's Day activities at their party last Thursday! ❤️⚓️💙
💙⚓️❄️ Ms. Kristy & Ms. Amber's class had so much fun exploring the woods at Camp Copneconic this week! ❄️⚓️💙
💙⚓️❤️ Torrey Hill students created some incredible card boxes for yesterday's parties! Great job everyone! ❤️⚓️💙
💙⚓️❤️ More pics from yesterday's Valentine's parties at Torrey Hill! ❤️⚓️💙
💙⚓️❤️Ms. Shelby and Ms. Morgan's class made friendship necklaces for Valentine's Day. Sharing, taking turns, and listening to each other are friendship skills we learn in preschool! ❤️⚓️💙
💙⚓❤️ Torrey Hill students had an awesome time at yesterday's Valentine's Day parties! ❤️⚓💙
❄️⚓️⛷️ Brady and the LFLF Ski Team won the regional championships at Pine Knob this week! Congratulations, everyone! ⛷️⚓️❄️ #LFLeads
💙⚓️🤍 The LFHS Wrestling Team are the Regional Champions! Next stop is the Team State Finals in Kalamazoo. Good luck team! 🤍⚓️💙 #LFLeads
💙⚓️🤍 4th graders at Torrey Hill are learning about migration. They researched a country their ancestors came from and created a presentation about that country to share with the class! 🤍⚓️💙