💙⚓️👟 Thank you to Nicole Hind-Prieur and Miriam Lynch for coaching our LF Girls On The Run Team! See flyers for more information on how your student can be a part of this awesome team! 👟⚓️💙
💙⚓️🏒 Join the Griffins Varsity Hockey team for a lock in at Fenton High School! See flyer for more information! 🏒⚓️💙
🇺🇸⚓️❗️REMINDER! No school for students Friday, February 16 due to staff professional develop and no school on Monday, February 19th for Presidents' Day. Enjoy your long weekend! ❗️⚓️🇺🇸
💙⚓️🍔LFHS had a sampling of the plant based impossible burger yesterday! 🍔⚓️💙
Today we celebrated the retirement of Eva Lindbloom, our longtime Food Service Hero. We will miss her and wish her a happy retirement in Sunny Florida! 💙🤍
💙⚓️📚Ms. Richard's class is excited about the new books that are going to be in the LFMS library! 📚⚓️💙
💙⚓️❗️REMINDER! No late start Wednesday, February 14! ❗️⚓️💙
💙⚓️🤍 These are the LFHS Spelling bee winners for each grade level! They go on to the GISD county bee in April. Good luck, everyone! 🤍⚓️💙
💙⚓️🤍 This week's Through The Lens of Play is from Ms. Emily's class! 🤍⚓️💙
💙⚓️🤍 Remember to sign up for your spot at this year's Kindergarten Round-Up! Sign-up is available at the following link: http://tinyurl.com/wsroundup2024 🤍⚓️💙 #LFLeads
💙⚓️🤍 The Lake Fenton Community Schools Foundation's annual gala is March 16th! Funds raised from this year's gala will go toward LF staff grants, senior scholarships and a therapy dog for the preschool! See attached flyer for more info and to purchase tickets! 🤍⚓️💙
💙⚓️🤍 Our LFHS Wrestling Team are now District Champs! Congratulations!!! 🤍⚓️💙
💙⚓️🐍 Ms. Shelby and Ms. Morgan's preschool class took a field trip to Camp Copneconic! They played in the woods and even visited the reptile house!!! 🐍⚓️💙
💙⚓️🤍 West Shore is looking for a smiling face to join our Kids Club staff team! Apply at the following link https://www.applitrack.com/gcaps/onlineapp/_application.aspx?starting=true or call 810-591-2584 with any questions! 🤍⚓️💙
💙⚓️🤍 Last week, LFMS 6th grad classes got to visit Whiting Auditorium and see a presentation by Dr. Kaboom! 🤍⚓️💙
💙⚓️🎶 Torrey Hill 3rd graders and music teacher Ms. Lynch are hard at work getting ready for their upcoming concert! 🎶⚓️💙
💙⚓️📚 Torrey Hill's book fair is coming up soon! There are many opportunities to volunteer at the following link: https://signup.com/go/MQtsgBf. You can also view book fair details and create an e-wallet at https://www.scholastic.com/bf/torreyhillintermediatesch 📚⚓️💙
💙⚓️🤍 This week is National School Counseling week! Lake Fenton would like to thank each one of our school counselors for all of their hard work and dedication to our students! 🤍⚓️💙
💙⚓️🤍In preschool, play isn't just fun – it's crucial! Through play, kids explore, create, and learn vital skills like problem-solving and social interaction. Take a closer look at the learning happening in our classrooms each week through the lens of play! 🤍⚓️💙
💙⚓️🤍 Our LFHS wrestlers are the Flint Metro League co-champs! 🤍⚓️💙